Wyoming Special Needs Attorney

It is important to have a lawyer who understands the financial challenge of a special needs family member. Careful planning is crucial to design a system of financial management and protection for the present and future of the special needs person. A properly designed and administered special needs trust will serve to supplement public benefits such as SSI and Medicaid without jeopardizing eligibility for these programs.

Bradley Frigon is nationally recognized for his expertise in assisting clients with disabilities. We will design an estate plan to ensure that the special needs family member and siblings are provided for according to your specific wishes. We will advise you in respect to your family goals, explain impact on public benefits, tax consequences at all levels, State , Federal, gift and income tax, life costs for the the disabled family member and a plan for paying those costs for their lifetime. Additionally we will advise you on choosing the best suited trustee and or guardian as well. Documents that will be created may include a Special Needs Trust, a will or irrevocable living trust, powers of attorney both financial and medical, asset retitling and clarifying beneficiary designations.

Wyoming Special Needs - Living Trusts and Wills

Our office handles all aspects of trusts and wills for special needs people in Wyoming.

Call Us Now at: 720 200 4025 To Schedule a Consultation.
